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Jun 22, 2024



The well organised meeting started at 10.00 hours on 08.06.24 with AISMA Geet. Welcome address was gave by Com. Lovelesh Kumar Love, GS/NFR. Com. V.N. Jha opened and regulated the proceedings of the meeting. He invited all the members of CEC and other dignitaries to the stage. As a mark of respect to the departed leader, Com. R.K. Singh Central Vice President and 17 comrades of NFR the house paid 2 minutes silent Shraddanjali. Then Com. P. Sunil Kumar, CP, delivered his presidential address. He congratulated NFR team for the excellent arrangements made for the meeting. NFR is witnessing a CEC meeting after a gap of 15 years. Last CECM at BZA had decided this venue. Team NFR took the challenge and worked hard. He remembered Com. R.K. Singh for his strong presence in all our CEC Meetings and active participation in all activities in Western Railway. He exhorted the members to ponder over our performance after the last CECM and our future programmes. He referred to three Railway Board orders issued recently which addressed some of the major grievances of our members after sustained efforts by the CEC. He informed that orders for change of designation and Stipend are going to be issued soon. He urged upon the NFR to utilise their full potential and prepare to host the CBGM of 2026. He stressed the need for financial strength and transparency. He called upon the NFR executives to collect more funds and revitalise all activities. He noted that all the CEC directives are not meticulously followed by all ZECs. He stressed the importance of effective communication, tapping technological developments, sparing quality time for the Association and conduct of LTCs.

Next was lighting of the ceremonial lamp by dignitaries. Sri. Amit Singh, Sr.DOM/KIR, Com. Ashis Biswas, (GS/NFRMU), CEC members and other dignitaries did lighting of the lamp.

Com. Dhananjay Chandratre, in his keynote address remembered Com. R.K. Singh first. He told the house that we conduct meetings to remind us that we enjoy the fruits of sacrifices of yesteryears leaders. All the achievements of AISMA were for the Station Masters. He declared that he felt uneasy sitting at the leadership for the reason that great leaders’ faces comes to his mind and he is belittled by their sacrifices and leadership. He advocated that we should remember the history and go to our roots. The commitment of AISMA and SMs is depicted in the slogan “AISMA FOR MASTERS AND MASTERS FOR NATION”. He also opined that no member of this committed and patriotic cadre can be removed under Rule 14(ii) of DAR, which questions the integrity of the individual. He warned the leadership that if membership falls below 30K, they are responsible. AISMA is not just another Trade Union. Our family has more ‘Takat’ than any one else. He stirred the audience with his energetic speech and ended with louder AISMA ZINDABAD!

Sri. Amit Singh, Sr.DOM/KIR who spoke next congratulated the CEC and NFR team for conducting a wonderful meeting at Siliguri. It is a proud moment for the entire KIR Division. He said that the meaning of the work ‘Master’ in Station Master is not only the malik but also ‘an expert in his field’. He reminded the audience that the responsibility of Station Master in self learning is very high considering the fact that the MDZTI gives only bits of teaching. He asked the members to increase the confidence level and be prepared to face any challenge in the working.

Com. Ashis Biswas in his felicitation equated the duties of Station Masters to that of a soldier always expecting an imminent war. He deplored the situation of not sanctioning posts for newly opened stations. He felt that the present rules and regulations put the Station Masters under ‘house arrest’ denying the minimum freedom in their life. He condemned Railway Board in always surrendering posts to implement upgradation/restructuring. He also honoured our CP, SG and CSF.

Then the General Secretaries were asked to submit their report. All the GSs available submitted their reports and answered the queries from the CEC. The CP gave brief comments on the issues raised by the GSs.

Com. Munindra Saikia, (GS/NFREU) in his felicitation told that AISMA is a very strong organistion in IR. It is a great source of power being a Public Image category. He demanded to improve the working conditions of lady SMs and payment of AFSA to all SMs.

Then it was time for the reports of SG and CSF. Both the reports were presented before the house and passed after replying to a few clarifications sought by the members. With this the first day’s proceedings came to an end at 17.45 hours.

Exclusively COBs and GSs meeting conducted at 20. 30 hrs and discussed all the matters and chart out a program and to be presented in the next day session and it concluded at 23.00 hrs.

On 09.06.24 the meeting started at 10.00 hours with Sangatan Geet. Com. B.P. Kumaraswamy lead the house through organisational hour. In his opening speech he stressed the need for improving the activities of AISMA at all levels. He lamented that upgradation to L-6 was not done in all Divisions. The following aired their views and participated in the session.

DS/SPJ brought the issues of EI, Centralised HQ and NPS and asked CEC to support all who opposed NPS.

Com. Rajbonshy, ZP/NFR declared that AISMA should be strengthened everywhere in the country. Better communication and good relationship with officers are required. In NFR, after completion of job analysis the reclassification is waiting for approval of PCOM.

Com. Sanjit Pal, SDAH Division raised the demand for minimum pension under NPS and demanded that AFSA shall not be reduced for punishments on cases involving other than safety violations.

Com. Anuj Kr Sinha: ZC/NFR stressed the need for constituting a research wing to prepare memorandums and answering queries. He also stated the importance of inter station training for all SMs.

Com. Anshu Kr Amresh, KIR Division stressed the importance of financial transparency. He demanded abolition of EI roster for SMs. He asked the leaders to identify the weak areas and co-operate with other executives to strengthen those.

Com. Ranjith Kumar, ZEC Member/NFR felt that only a few people come forward to attend meetings. Some DECs and ZECs are hauled by ‘single engines’. Wherever AISMA is weak, SMs are paying a heavy price. Even our jobs are at risk at such places.

Com. Samay Kumar Sunil stressed the need for strengthening the organisation and increase the membership. He demanded that technology development should be utilised in implementing online transfer registration and priority.

Com. Amresh Kumar, DP/LMG remembered the online LTCs we conducted during Covid lock down period. That was the best utilisation of available resources. More such online LTCs are required now.

Com. Sanjit Kr Jaiswal told the house to intensify our fight to achieve legitimate demands. He reminded the house that the 1974 strike was led by AISMA and AIREC. Many SMs were removed, arrested and harassed during the strike. Privatisation is a major threat to us. Achieving OPS seems an easy target now with the new Government at the Centre. All executive committees should have fixed tenures.

Com. G S Prasanna, CSF asked the members to take up one agenda and make that idea the purpose of life. Membership of the organisation needs to be increased. Our actions not only benefit the members but ourselves also.

Sri. P.K. Choubey, AOM/KIR congratulated AISMA for its achievements. He opined that all SMs should join AISMA and 100% membership should not be a far distant dream. Membership goes down when the executives are inactive. SMs are supervisors and there should not be any leadership vacuum in AISMA. Working atmosphere of Station Masters should be improved.

DWP/DDU: Desired to fix target for membership. Trade union education programmes are required.

Com. G S Parihar (NR) remarked that NFR is not behind any other Railway to conduct this meeting. Physical presence in meetings is very important.

Com. Pramod Kumar, GS/ECR demanded that Running allowance should be achieved. Two night roster should be implemented in all the Zones.

Com. A N Tiwari advised all SMs to follow rules and be updated with latest changes in rule books. Membership should be increased by introducing online methods.

Com. Rajiv Gandhi GS/SR raised the issue of denial of notional increment to employees retiring on 30/06 ad 31/12 and asked CEC to intervene. The interse seniority of Operating staff, prepared by giving higher seniority to running staff, is terribly disadvantageous to us.

In the meantime ADRM/KIR and Sr.DME/KIR came and addressed the house duly felicitating the role played Station Masters in the system for safety and punctuality.

In a short intervention CP warned the DECs of TSK and RNG to elect new Office bearers or face action by CEC. Then the President invited SG to summarise the discussions and read out the resolutions. The following resolutions were unanimously adopted by the house.

The house resolves that the Membership drive for 2024 shall be completed by 31.08.24 and all used and unused books should be sent to CSF.

Organisational tour in Branches to be done especially to collect grievances from members for the next two months.

Next CEC Meeting to be conducted at Jabalpur (WCR) in the month of August/September

Next CBGM will be conducted at Bodh Gaya (ECR) in 3rd week of November 2024. Date and exact venue will be announced by ECR well in advance.

All ZECs to approach GM/PCOM/PCPO for posting of Additional SMs and Supervisory SM wherever required.

Divisional level demonstration to be conducted on 11th August 2024 (POWER DAY) of our Association with local issues

CEC to speed up the issue of abolition of EI roster all over IR

CEC urges the administration for grant of Ghat/Hill allowance to SMs and other staff who are working in ghat section

The house urges Railway administrations to keep LR at the rate of 30% in all grades as per norms and Railway Board orders

The house demands to extend the benfit of notional incement of next day to those retiring on 31.12 and 30.06. The house condemns the RB for insisting on an ‘in persona’ judgement and filing of contempt petition on it as a prerequisite for this benefit.

The house demands to stop the recovery of one month’s salary for RELHS and the discrimination in extending treatment based on wages

The CEC will again approach RB for the seniority issues of Traffic Apprentices and the anomalies in the interse seniority of operating staff considered for AOM Selection.

The CEC congratulate the new Government at the Centre and hope that the Government will sympathetically consider the grievances of employees

The house resolves that all Divisional Committees should approach atleast two MPs and felicitate them along with submission of memorandum highlighting our issues. Memorandum will be prepared by the CEC.

Divisions and Zones who have not submitted interest accrued certificates of bank accounts and FD details to be submitted soon.

AISMA SAMACHAR dues of 2023 to be immediately cleared by Divisions and Zones

The following awards are decided by the house:

Man of the CEC: Com. Umesh Kumar , Com. Lovelesh Kumar Love and NFR team

Best GS: Com. Dilip Kumar, SER

Best DSs: Coms. Akashdip (KIR), P. Bhaskararao (WAT), Kunwar Nautiyal (MB), Vikas Yadav (DHN) and Alok Kumar (BB)

Special Honour: Com. Rajbhonshi, ZP/NFR, Com. Neeraj Kumar DS/DDU, Reception Committee members and NFR team

