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May 11, 2021

KNOW ABOUT - Medical Standards of Railways & Duration of PME

Non - gazetted railway servants group and Duration of Periodical Medical Examination (Rule 514 of IRMM Vol

Category for PME : A1, A2 & A3 

Once in 4 years upto the age of 45 years, calculated from the date of appointment.
Once in 2 year after 45 year of age to 55 years. 
Once in a year after the age of 55 year till retirement, [to be calculated on the date of birth]
3 days normally and 5 days with glasses. 

Period spent on PME account upto 5 day to be treated as duty and beyond 5 days, relaxation to be sanctioned by GM.

(RB No. 99/H/5/10 dtd. 12.8.99)

Category for PME : B1 and B2 

on attaining the age of  45 years, and thereafter at the termination of every period if five years. 

Category For PME : C1 and C2 

No re - examination, unless specially directed. 

If an employee in medical category A has been periodically medically examined at any time within two years prior to his attending the age of 45 years, his medical examination should be held two years from the date of the last medical examination and subsequent medical examinations every two years from the date of the last medical examination and subsequent medical examinations every two years until 55 years and then thereafter annually, until the conclusion of their service. If however such an employee has been medically examined at any time earlier  than two years prior to his attaining the age of 45 years. his next medical examination every two years thereafter. (RB Letter No : 99/Safety/ 1/ 18/4, Dt: 25.5.99) 

1. Medical fitness of Railway Employees with Intra Ocular Lens (IOL) 
(Para 512 (10) of IRMM) 

Intra Ocular Lens (IOL) in one or both eyes shall not be a bar for an in - service employees in Aye Two (A -2 ) Category to continue in respective category after cataract surgery provided his / her visual acuity  standards come up to the prescribed limits. The periodicity of PME for all such Aye two Category of staff with IOL (PC) would as under. 

1st PME 6 (SIX) weeks after surgery with IOL (PC).
2nd PME 6 (SIX0 months after First PME. 

Subsequent PMEs after completion of one year from previous PME. 
(RB Letter No : 2002 /H/5/1  dated 05 - 05 - 2004.) 

2. Section 47 (1) of the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act , 1995 and Ministry of Railways Letter No: E(NG) I/RES/9(I) Dated 29.04.1999. 

"304 (1) Railway Servant who fails in a vision test or otherwise by virtue of disability acquired during service and becomes physically capable of performing the duties the post which he occupies should not be dispensed with or reduced in rank, but should be shifted to some other post with the same Pay Scale and Service benefits. 

2) A Railway Servant failing (1) above cases to perform the duties of the post he is holding from the date he is declared medically unfit for the present post. If such a railway Servant cannot be immediately adjusted or absorbed in any suitable alternative post. he may kept on a special Supernumerary post in the grade in which the concerned employee was working in regular basis before being declared medically unfit, pending location of suitable alternative appointment for him with the same Pay Scale and Service benefits ; efforts to locate suitable alternative employment starting immediately" 

3) PME - Relaxation for Loco pilots declared with Type II Diabetes 

Employee in A one category who are suffering from Diabetes Mellitus can be declared fit for the respective categories if Diabetes is controlled on diet and /or Tab Metoformin up to 2gm/day only. 
PME of such employees is to be conducted every year in addition to the regular follow up as per the advice of treating physician. (RB Letter No : 2002/H/5/8 dated 20 - 05 - 2011 )
