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Mar 20, 2025

Movement of container Flat Wagon (BLC) and loaded EUR rakes on second and subsequent loops.

Railway & Railway Board's Circulars & Orders : Movement of container Flat Wagon (BLC) and loaded ...:   भारत सरकार (GOVERNMENT OF INDIA)

 रेल मंत्रालय (MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS)

 रेलवे बोर्ड (RAILWAY BOARD)

No. 2009/CE-II/Accident/Policy

New Delhi dated 18.03.2025

General Manager 

All Zonal Railways

Sub: Movement of container Flat Wagon (BLC) and loaded EUR rakes on second and subsequent loops.

Ref. Railway Board's letter of even no. dated 09.02.2016.

Considering the derailment cases reported by Zonal railways, the movement of Container Flat Wagon (BLC) and loaded EUR rakes on second and subsequent loops was restricted vide referred letter and railways were advised to check the layout of yard for fixing routes to avoid such conditions.

In this regard, the negotiability trials have been conducted with BLCM rake (A car-B car) by Testing Dte in consultation with Wagon and Track Dte. of RDSO in New Phulera yard of DFCCIL and Madar yard of NWR with empty container, without containers and with loaded container conditions at speed of 10 kmph and 15 kmph. At present, Instrumented Wheelsets for BLCM wagons are not available with RDSO, therefore, safety related parameters, lateral force and derailment coefficient were measured at axle box level of normal wheelset. The trial results indicated that BLCM rake exhibit satisfactory riding and stability characteristics upto 15 kmph speed in each configuration i.e. BLCM rake without containers, with empty containers in double stack and with loaded containers in double stack.

In addition to above, the negotiability trials have also been conducted with loaded long haul train (two rakes amalgamated into one) with EUR rake composed of 21 BRN wagons by Testing Dte in consulation with Wagon and Track Dte. of RDSO. Total 60 rail panels of 260 m length each loaded in 5 layers and one 8 wheeler covered wagon in one rake were tried on second and subsequent loop in Anuppur yard of SECR. The trials were conducted at speeds of 10 kmph and 15 kmph. At present, Instrumented Wheelsets for EUR rake are not available with RDSO, therefore, safety related parameters, lateral force and derailment coefficient were measured at axle box level. The trial results indicated that loaded EUR rake exhibit satisfactory riding and stability characteristics upto 15 kmph speed in long haul train operation with above composition over second and subsequent loops.

Considering the above trial reports and recommendation of RDSO, the restrictions imposed vide this office even letter no. dated 09.02.2016 for movement of container flat wagons (BLC) and loaded EUR rakes on second and subsequent loops are provisionally withdrawn, till negotiability trials are conducted afresh with Instrumented Wheelsets after their procurement by RDSO.

This issues with the approval of Board (MI).

 (S.M. Pandey)

Exec. Dir. Civil Engg.(Plg.) 

Railway Board
