(1) Central President: *P Sunil Kumar*, PGT SR- *97474 21907*
(2) Central Working President: *Hemraj Meena*, KOTA WCR- *94131 85616*
(3) Central Vice President-1: *Prabhakar Pandey,* LJN NER - *94518 54103*
(4) Central Vice President-2: *Vijay Patil* BSL CR- *72196 19651*
(5) Central Vice President-4: *RK Singh,* BRC WR- *98248 86190*
(6) Central Vice President-5: *Avinash Kumar* CKP SER- *73197 08285*
(7) Central Vice President-6: *PK Haloi,* RNY NFR- *99575 54656*
(8) Secretary General: *Dharamveer Singh Arora*, BB CR- *98923 98639*
(9) Central Secretary Finance: *GS Prasanna*, SBC SWR- *9663379217*
(10) Joint Secretary General-1 *T Vinu,* TVC SR- *88914 92135*
(11) Joint Secretary General-2: *Pramod Kumar* DDU ECR- *94302 63001*
(12) Dy Secretary General-1: *RA Prasad* HWH ER- *99329 01131*
(13) Dy Secretary General-2: *AN Tiwari* JHS NCR- *94159 46818*
(14) Dy Secretary General-3: *Umesh Kumar*, KIR NFR- *95641 12244*
(15) Dy Secretary General-5: *Ramesh Mahato,* DHN ECR- *94705 08752*
(16) Dy Secretary General-6: *GS Parihar,* MB NR- *99270 78900*
(17) Dy Secretary General-7: *P Narayana Rao,* WAT ECoR- *94917 69116*
(18) Dy General Secretary-8: *GSS Prakash* BZA SCR - *83330 73921*
(19 & 20) *Two Lady Representatives will be co-opted in the First CEC Meeting*
(21) *Central Office Secretary:* - In the First CEC Meeting
(22) *Central Internal Auditor* - In the first CEC Meeting.
(23) Liaison Secretary: *Manoj Kumar Gupta,* DLI NR- *98686 52829*
(24) *Publication- In- Charge* - In the first CEC Meeting.